
Kenya Cereal Enhancement Programme Climate Resillient Agricultural Livelihoods


KCEP CRAL invites applications from qualified and enthusiastic individuals to join our team as Enumerators for the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Baseline Survey 2024. This unique opportunity involves gathering crucial data on CCCF Community Assets to monitor program progress and impact in various Counties. Successful candidates will play a pivotal role in the survey, conducting data collection and information gathering from sampled households. The position is a short-term contract, lasting no more than two (2) weeks.


To be considered for this role, applicants must:

  1. Educational Background: Possess at least a diploma or bachelor’s degree, preferably in agriculture, social sciences, or a related field.
  2. Age Range: Be between 21 – 30 years old.
  3. Data Collection Experience: Demonstrate experience in collecting quantitative or qualitative data and information.
  4. Tech Savvy: Have knowledge in mobile data and information collection, with an added advantage of previous experience in data collection using KCEP CRAL methodologies.
  5. Computer Literacy: Possess advanced computer literacy.
  6. Supervision Skills: Proven ability to work with minimal supervision.
  7. Local Residency: Must be local residents based in the indicated wards with knowledge of the Sub-County.
  8. Language Proficiency: Knowledge of the local language is a MUST.
  9. Confidentiality: Be able to keep program information confidential.
  10. Equipment: Have a smartphone for data collection.

Regions of Engagement

No. County Sub County Ward
1 Embu Mbeere North Nthawa
2 Kitui Mwingi North Tseikuru
Mwingi Central Nguni, Nuu
Kitui Rural Yatta Kwa Vonza
Kitui East Vyoo/Kyamatu
3 Tharaka-Nithi Tharaka South Ciakariga
Tharaka North Gatunga
Igambang’ombe Igambang’ombe
4 Machakos Masinga Masinga Central, Ekalakala, Kivaa/Kithyoko & Muthesya
Mwala Masii, Kibauni
Yatta Katangi, Ikombe, Kithimani, Ndalani
5 Makueni Makueni Kathonzweni, Muvau/Kikumini
Kibwezi West Emali/Mulala
Kibwezi East Nzambani/Ivingoni
Kilome Kasikeu


Working under the supervision of the Sub-County Agricultural Officer (SCAO) and direct daily reporting to the Ward Agricultural Officer (WAO), successful candidates will:

  • Participate and successfully complete the training workshop.
  • Understand the activities and objectives of the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) baseline survey.
  • Locate households in the enumeration area and administer questionnaires accurately.
  • Capture the Geographical Coordination (GPS) of the interviewed.
  • Capture data on the Farmer Collection Centre, Warehouse, and Identified Road Spots linking the WHs (Second part).
  • Conduct household interviews within the established timeframe, including daily targets.
  • Accurately capture and record data using the Kobo Collect application.
  • Report progress and the number of forms completed on a daily basis.
  • Follow clear standards set in the interviewer’s guideline manual and comply with all requirements necessary for a successful interview.
  • Ensure adherence to the Code of Conduct for Enumerators.
  • Anticipate unusual situations and make quick and responsible decisions.
  • Handle household respondent queries and provide appropriate responses.


Applicants meeting the above criteria are invited to apply by sending their applications, detailed CV, and working telephone number to kcep.eastern@gmail.com by Monday 5th February 2024, with the subject of the email as “DATA COLLECTION CLERK- CCCF, 2024.” Applicants should specify the County, Sub-County, and Ward where they come from or prefer to work.


  1. Highlight Relevant Experience: Showcase any previous experience in data collection, emphasizing how it aligns with the requirements of this role.
  2. Emphasize Tech Skills: Clearly articulate your proficiency in mobile data and information collection, and any experience with Kobo Collect application.
  3. Demonstrate Local Knowledge: Highlight your familiarity with the indicated wards and Sub-County, showcasing your ability to connect with the local community.
  4. Showcase Language Proficiency: Emphasize your proficiency in the local language, underlining its importance in effective communication during household interviews.
  5. Detail Your Commitment to Confidentiality: Assure the employer of your commitment to keeping program information confidential, a critical aspect of the role.
  6. Illustrate Time Management Skills: Provide examples of situations where you demonstrated excellent time management skills, meeting daily targets and deadlines.
  7. Highlight Quick Decision-Making Ability: Share instances where you anticipated and successfully handled unusual situations, showcasing your ability to make quick and responsible decisions.
  8. Provide Evidence of Adherence to Codes of Conduct: Assure the employer of your adherence to professional codes of conduct, specifically mentioning your commitment to the Code of Conduct for Enumerators.
  9. Showcase Communication Skills: Illustrate how you handle household respondent queries, providing appropriate responses and ensuring smooth communication.
  10. Express Enthusiasm for the CCCF Baseline Survey: Convey your genuine interest and enthusiasm for participating in the County Climate Change Fund Baseline Survey, emphasizing your understanding of its objectives.


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Enumerator position for the County Climate Change Fund (CCCF) Baseline Survey 2024, as recently advertised. Having recently completed my [relevant degree] and equipped with [X years] of experience in data collection, I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the success of this important survey.

My academic background has provided me with a solid foundation in [relevant field], which I believe aligns seamlessly with the requirements of the Enumerator role. During my academic journey, I developed a keen interest in community-based research, with a focus on understanding and documenting environmental and social impacts.

In my previous role as [Previous Position] at [Previous Company], I successfully conducted surveys on [mention any relevant surveys], showcasing my ability to collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. This experience equipped me with strong interpersonal skills and the ability to engage with diverse communities effectively.

What sets me apart is my proficiency in mobile data and information collection, a skill that I believe will be crucial in ensuring accurate and efficient data gathering during the CCCF Baseline Survey. Moreover, I am well-versed in using the Kobo Collect application, as evidenced by my successful involvement in [mention any previous data collection project using Kobo Collect].

As a local resident in [Your County], I am intimately familiar with the dynamics of the region, particularly in the [indicated wards]. This local knowledge, combined with my fluency in [local language], positions me to establish meaningful connections with the community, enhancing the quality of data collected.

Confidentiality is paramount in any data collection endeavor, and I am committed to upholding the highest standards. My previous experience in data collection for KCEP CRAL has not only honed my skills in maintaining confidentiality but also deepened my understanding of the importance of this aspect in research.

Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated exceptional time management skills, meeting and often exceeding daily targets. I am well-prepared to handle the challenges of conducting household interviews within the established timeframe, ensuring both efficiency and accuracy.

I am excited about the opportunity to be part of the CCCF Baseline Survey and contribute to the successful implementation of this vital initiative. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills and experiences align with the goals of your organization.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]


  1. Q: What is the expected duration of the contract for Enumerators in the CCCF Baseline Survey 2024?A: The contract is for a period of not more than two (2) weeks.
  2. Q: Are Enumerators required to have their own smartphone for data collection?A: Yes, Enumerators must have a smartphone for data collection.
  3. Q: Is local residency a strict requirement for this position?A: Yes, being a local resident based in the indicated wards is a requirement, and having knowledge of the Sub-County is an added advantage.
  4. Q: Will Enumerators be trained before starting the survey?A: Yes, successful candidates will participate in a training workshop to ensure they understand the objectives and activities of the CCCF Baseline Survey.
  5. Q: Is knowledge of the local language mandatory for Enumerators?A: Yes, proficiency in the local language is a must, as effective communication is essential during household interviews.
  6. Q: How will Enumerators ensure the confidentiality of the information collected during the survey?A: Enumerators will be required to adhere to a strict Code of Conduct, emphasizing the importance of keeping program information confidential.
  7. Q: What are the daily reporting structures for Enumerators?A: Enumerators will work under the supervision of the Sub-County Agricultural Officer (SCAO) and report directly to the Ward Agricultural Officer (WAO) on a daily basis.
  8. Q: Can Enumerators choose the County, Sub-County, and Ward where they prefer to work?A: Yes, applicants are required to specify the County, Sub-County, and Ward where they come from or prefer to work when submitting their applications.
  9. Q: Is there room for advancement or further engagement with KCEP CRAL after completing the CCCF Baseline Survey?A: While this position is specific to the CCCF Baseline Survey, successful performance may open doors for future opportunities with KCEP CRAL.
  10. Q: Are Enumerators expected to capture GPS coordinates during household interviews?

A: Yes, Enumerators will be required to capture the Geographical Coordination (GPS) of the households interviewed as part of the data collection process.


  1. Q: How do you plan to handle situations where households are reluctant to participate in the survey?A: In such situations, I would calmly explain the importance of the survey, addressing any concerns they may have and assuring them of the confidentiality of the information collected.
  2. Q: Can you provide an example of a challenging situation you faced during a previous data collection project and how you resolved it?A: In [mention previous project], I encountered a situation where respondents were initially hesitant to share information. I built rapport, emphasized the significance of their input, and ensured confidentiality, ultimately gaining their cooperation.
  3. Q: How do you ensure accuracy when capturing and recording data during household interviews?A: I prioritize thorough training and adherence to interviewer guidelines. Additionally, using technology like the Kobo Collect application enhances accuracy by minimizing manual errors.
  4. Q: How do you handle tight daily targets and ensure you meet them consistently?A: Effective time management is crucial. I plan my day efficiently, prioritize tasks, and maintain focus during household interviews. This approach has allowed me to consistently meet or exceed daily targets in previous roles.
  5. Q: Can you describe your experience using mobile data and information collection tools, especially the Kobo Collect application?A: I am proficient in using the Kobo Collect application, as evidenced by my successful involvement in [mention any previous data collection project using Kobo Collect]. This experience has equipped me to navigate the tool efficiently.
  6. Q: How do you handle situations where respondents have queries or concerns during interviews?A: I address queries calmly, providing clear and concise explanations. Effective communication is key, and I ensure respondents feel heard and understood, fostering a positive rapport.
  7. Q: How do you anticipate and handle unusual situations that may arise during household interviews?A: Anticipation is key to quick decision-making. I draw on my experience to foresee potential challenges, allowing me to make responsible decisions swiftly and maintain the integrity of the survey process.
  8. Q: How do you balance the need for efficiency with the requirement to capture comprehensive data during household interviews?A: Efficiency is vital, but not at the expense of data quality. I strike a balance by following established guidelines rigorously, ensuring thorough data capture while meeting set timeframes.
  9. Q: How do you maintain confidentiality when dealing with sensitive information collected from households?A: I strictly adhere to the Code of Conduct for Enumerators, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality. This commitment, combined with my previous experience, ensures the secure handling of sensitive information.
  10. Q: What motivates you to apply for the Enumerator position, and how do you envision contributing to the success of the CCCF Baseline Survey?A: I am motivated by a passion for community-based research and environmental impact assessment. I see myself contributing by leveraging my skills in data collection, local knowledge, and commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards.

We wish you the best in your application process! Our commitment is to attract and retain the best employees from all races and backgrounds, promoting diversity and inclusion. We are an equal opportunity employer and do not charge any application/recruitment fees.

To apply for this job email your details to kcep.eastern@gmail.com

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