Climate Justice Intern Opportunity at Oxfam in Nairobi, Kenya



Climate Justice Intern Opportunity at Oxfam in Nairobi, Kenya

Position Title: Climate Justice Intern
Job Level: Entry-Level
Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Job Description


Oxfam, a global movement of people working together to end poverty, presents an exciting opportunity for a Climate Justice Intern based in Nairobi, Kenya. As a Climate Justice Intern, you will play a crucial role in supporting Oxfam’s mission to create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice. This entry-level position offers a unique chance to gain professional experience in the International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) sector while contributing to climate justice initiatives.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Self-Awareness and Impact
    • Develop self-awareness regarding strengths, weaknesses, and impact on others.
    • Demonstrate the ability to moderate and self-regulate behaviors for positive outcomes.
  2. Qualifications
    • Hold a minimum undergraduate degree in Communications, Environmental and Natural Resource Management, Social Science, or a related discipline from a recognized university.
    • Strong writing and editing skills.
  3. Professional Experience
    • Exhibit a genuine desire to acquire technical professional experience in the INGO sector.
  4. Regional Knowledge
    • Possess knowledge of Africa’s socio-economic and political environment.
  5. Communication Skills
    • Familiarity with public communications/public relations work and strategies within the civil society in Kenya or Africa.
  6. Technical Proficiency
    • Proficient in MS Office applications.
  7. Organizational Skills
    • Excellent organizational and time management skills.
  8. Language Proficiency
    • Fluent in written and spoken English.
    • Fluency in French and other widely spoken languages in Africa is advantageous.
  9. Interpersonal Skills
    • Ability to liaise with a wide range of people with credibility, tact, and diplomacy.
    • Exposure to technical competence in a multicultural environment.
  10. Adaptability
    • Flexible, adaptive, and willing to work simultaneously on a wide range of tasks.

How to Apply

To apply, visit the Oxfam Careers page. Due to technical difficulties on our job website, please email your CV and Cover Letter to Clearly state the Vacancy No. and the Job Title in the subject of the email.

Expert Tips To Be A Successful Applicant for Climate Justice Intern

  1. Tailor Your Application: Customize your CV and Cover Letter to highlight how your skills align with Oxfam’s mission and the specific requirements of the Climate Justice Intern role.
  2. Show Passion: Clearly express your passion for climate justice and Oxfam’s humanitarian efforts in your Cover Letter.
  3. Highlight Relevant Experience: Emphasize any past experiences related to environmental issues, social justice, or INGO work.
  4. Language Skills: If you have proficiency in French or other African languages, showcase this as it adds value to your application.
  5. Demonstrate Adaptability: Share instances where you successfully managed multiple tasks or adapted to a multicultural work environment.
  6. Connect with Oxfam’s Values: Illustrate how your personal values align with Oxfam’s commitment to ending poverty and promoting equality.
  7. Research Oxfam: Demonstrate knowledge of Oxfam’s ongoing projects and initiatives in Africa in your Cover Letter.
  8. Highlight Technical Skills: If you have any technical skills relevant to climate justice, such as data analysis or environmental research, showcase them.
  9. Detail Your Organizational Skills: Provide examples of your organizational abilities, emphasizing how they contribute to effective project management.
  10. Express Commitment: Convey your dedication to making a meaningful impact as a Climate Justice Intern at Oxfam.

SAMPLE COVER LETTER for a Climate Justice Intern

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Climate Justice Intern position at Oxfam, as advertised. With a degree in Environmental Science and a deep passion for addressing climate-related challenges, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to Oxfam’s impactful initiatives. My experience in conducting environmental research and my commitment to social justice align well with the goals of Oxfam, and I am eager to bring my skills to this role.

In my previous role as a research assistant, I successfully collaborated on a project focused on sustainable resource management, showcasing my ability to contribute to environmental solutions. My proficiency in both English and French positions me to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders across Africa, supporting Oxfam’s mission to create positive change.

Furthermore, my adaptability and strong organizational skills, demonstrated by my successful coordination of workshops on climate resilience, make me well-suited to thrive in Oxfam’s dynamic work environment. I am particularly drawn to Oxfam’s commitment to ending poverty and promoting equality, and I am excited about the prospect of contributing to these noble causes as a Climate Justice Intern.

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to Oxfam’s impactful work, and I look forward to the possibility of discussing my candidacy in more detail.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What specific projects has Oxfam undertaken in the field of climate justice in Africa? Oxfam has been actively involved in various climate justice projects in Africa, focusing on sustainable development, community resilience, and advocacy. One notable initiative is the “Climate Resilient Communities” project in collaboration with local partners, aiming to empower communities to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Answer: Oxfam’s climate justice initiatives in Africa are diverse, including projects like the “Climate Resilient Communities” project, which empowers local communities to adapt to climate change impacts through sustainable development and advocacy.

2. How does Oxfam ensure inclusivity and diversity within its workforce? Oxfam is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse workforce. The organization implements inclusive hiring practices, promotes equal opportunities, and actively seeks candidates from different backgrounds. Oxfam’s diversity and inclusion initiatives extend to its organizational culture, ensuring an environment where all employees feel valued and respected.

Answer: Oxfam promotes inclusivity and diversity through inclusive hiring practices, equal opportunities, and fostering an organizational culture that values and respects employees from diverse backgrounds.

3. Can you elaborate on the role of a Climate Justice Intern in Oxfam’s overall mission? As a Climate Justice Intern, you will play a crucial role in supporting Oxfam’s initiatives to address climate change’s social and economic impacts. This includes assisting in research, contributing to public relations efforts, and engaging with diverse stakeholders. The internship provides a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the INGO sector while contributing to Oxfam’s mission of creating a just world without poverty.

Answer: The Climate Justice Intern at Oxfam contributes to the organization’s mission by supporting initiatives to address the social and economic impacts of climate change through research, public relations, and stakeholder engagement.

4. How does Oxfam support the professional development of its interns? Oxfam is dedicated to the professional development of its interns. Interns benefit from mentorship programs, training sessions, and exposure to various aspects of the INGO sector. The organization fosters a learning environment, providing interns with opportunities to expand their skills and contribute meaningfully to Oxfam’s mission.

Answer: Oxfam supports the professional development of interns through mentorship programs, training sessions, and exposure to different aspects of the INGO sector, fostering a learning environment.

5. What language skills are essential for the Climate Justice Intern role? While proficiency in written and spoken English is essential for the Climate Justice Intern role, fluency in French and other widely spoken languages in Africa is considered an advantage. The ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages enhances the intern’s capacity to engage with diverse stakeholders and contribute to Oxfam’s global mission.

Answer: Proficiency in written and spoken English is essential, and fluency in French and other widely spoken languages in Africa is considered an advantage for the Climate Justice Intern role.

6. How does Oxfam contribute to climate justice advocacy on a global scale? Oxfam engages in climate justice advocacy on a global scale through campaigns, partnerships, and policy influencing. The organization works collaboratively with governments, institutions, and communities to address the root causes of climate change, advocating for policies that prioritize social and economic justice and the well-being of vulnerable populations.

Answer: Oxfam contributes to global climate justice advocacy through campaigns, partnerships, and policy influencing, working collaboratively to address the root causes of climate change and advocate for just policies.

7. What role does public relations play in Oxfam’s climate justice initiatives? Public relations plays a vital role in Oxfam’s climate justice initiatives by raising awareness, building public support, and influencing policy. Effective communication is essential to convey the urgency of climate action and mobilize resources. The Climate Justice Intern may contribute to crafting and disseminating messages, coordinating media engagements, and enhancing Oxfam’s public image in the context of climate justice.

Answer: Public relations is crucial for Oxfam’s climate justice initiatives, playing a role in raising awareness, building public support, and influencing policy.

8. How does Oxfam collaborate with local communities in its climate justice projects? Oxfam prioritizes collaboration with local communities in its climate justice projects. The organization works closely with community leaders, grassroots organizations, and affected populations to ensure that interventions are contextually relevant and empowering. Local participation is integral to Oxfam’s approach, fostering sustainable solutions that consider the unique needs and perspectives of each community.

Answer: Oxfam collaborates with local communities in climate justice projects by working closely with community leaders, grassroots organizations, and affected populations to ensure contextual relevance and empowerment.

9. How does Oxfam address the intersectionality of climate justice and social issues? Oxfam recognizes the intersectionality of climate justice and social issues, understanding that vulnerable communities are often disproportionately affected. The organization adopts an inclusive approach that considers the interconnected nature of social, economic, and environmental challenges. Oxfam’s climate justice initiatives aim to address these intersections, advocating for solutions that prioritize the well-being of all, particularly marginalized populations.

Answer: Oxfam addresses the intersectionality of climate justice and social issues by adopting an inclusive approach that considers the interconnected nature of challenges and advocates for solutions that prioritize the well-being of all, especially marginalized populations.

10. How does Oxfam measure the impact of its climate justice initiatives? Oxfam employs a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation framework to measure the impact of its climate justice initiatives. This includes assessing the outcomes of projects, tracking key performance indicators, and soliciting feedback from stakeholders. The organization is committed to transparency, regularly sharing impact assessments to demonstrate accountability and inform continuous improvement.

Answer: Oxfam measures the impact of its climate justice initiatives through a robust monitoring and evaluation framework, assessing project outcomes, tracking key performance indicators, and soliciting feedback from stakeholders.

Possible Climate Justice Intern Interview Questions With Answers

  1. How do you stay updated on climate justice issues? Answer: I regularly follow reputable environmental news sources, attend webinars, and participate in online forums to stay informed about the latest developments.
  2. Can you provide an example of a successful project where you contributed to environmental solutions? Answer: In my role as a research assistant, I collaborated on a project focused on sustainable resource management, contributing valuable insights to enhance environmental sustainability.
  3. How do you handle tight deadlines and simultaneous tasks? Answer: I prioritize tasks based on urgency, communicate effectively with team members, and leverage organizational skills to meet deadlines successfully.
  4. Why do you want to work for Oxfam specifically? Answer: Oxfam’s commitment to ending poverty and promoting equality resonates with my personal values. I am inspired by the organization’s impactful work and want to contribute to its noble causes.
  5. How would you navigate communication challenges in a multicultural environment? Answer: I have previous experience working in diverse teams and understand the importance of clear and respectful communication. I adapt my communication style to ensure effective collaboration.
  6. Describe a situation where you had to adapt to unexpected changes. Answer: During a workshop on climate resilience, unforeseen challenges arose. I quickly adapted the agenda, ensuring the event’s success and showcasing my ability to navigate unexpected changes.
  7. What role do languages play in your professional life, considering the fluency in French requirement? Answer: My proficiency in both English and French enhances my ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders across Africa, fostering stronger connections and collaboration.
  8. How do you align your personal values with Oxfam’s mission? Answer: My commitment to environmental sustainability and social justice aligns seamlessly with Oxfam’s mission to create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice.
  9. How do you envision contributing to Oxfam’s ongoing projects in Africa? Answer: I plan to leverage my skills and knowledge to actively contribute to the successful implementation of Oxfam’s initiatives, making a positive impact on communities in need.
  10. Can you share an instance where you demonstrated leadership skills? Answer: In my previous role, I led a team in organizing a community awareness campaign on climate change, showcasing my ability to inspire and guide others toward a common goal.

Best of luck with your application, and we look forward to welcoming you to the Oxfam family! Our website is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner. We are an equal employer and do not charge any application/recruitment fee.

To apply for this job email your details to

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