Advocacy, Communications, and Marketing Strategist Position at PAWA254

  • Temporary
  • Nairobi


Advocacy, Communications, and Marketing Strategist Position at PAWA254

Introduction and Background

PAWA254, also known as PAWA Initiative, is a renowned non-profit organization based in Kenya since 2010. As a unique hub for collaboration within the Kenyan art and culture scene, PAWA254 nurtures and empowers creative projects that drive social change. PAWA254 is at the forefront of the ‘artivism’ space, combining art and activism to advocate for active civic engagement, human rights, improved livelihoods, and youth development in Kenya.

Our organization harnesses the power of the arts to deepen our understanding of emerging issues in Kenya and encourage youth participation in positive development efforts. We work alongside artists to instill in them a profound social, economic, and political consciousness, empowering them to align their art with the quest for a better Kenya. PAWA254 plays an integral role in the realm of Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) and collaborates closely with community groups and like-minded Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in promoting human rights and accountability in the use of public resources.


We are seeking an Advocacy, Communications, and Marketing Strategist to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy for PAWA254 in these domains. The selected strategist will also provide training as necessary to our staff members. This role involves working collaboratively with the PAWA254 team, referencing key institutional documents such as the PAWA254 Strategic Plan and other relevant materials.

Key Goals of the Strategy:

  1. Strengthen multi-sectoral coordination and implementation of existing policies in advocacy, governance, human rights, activism, and youth.
  2. Leverage ongoing advocacy efforts on governance, civic education, activism, human rights, and youth empowerment.
  3. Mobilize more partners and stakeholders to address challenges in governance, human rights, activism, and youth empowerment.
  4. Advocate for better governance and accountability at both national and county levels.
  5. Promote PAWA254’s mission of active citizens driving social change.

Scope of Work

The selected consultant will conduct a thorough review of existing documents and materials related to PAWA254’s thematic areas. They will identify gaps and propose approaches to develop an effective advocacy and marketing strategy. The consultant may adopt a phased approach to address different components of the strategy. A validation phase will ensure that the PAWA254 team assesses the work, methodologies, and recommendations.

Responsibilities of the Consultant:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of relevant documents, including project documents, PAWA254’s strategic plan, internal policies, reports, and communication guides.
  • Carry out market research to gather information about target audiences, channels, platforms, key actions, and expected results.
  • Develop a detailed advocacy strategy with clear objectives, activities, allies, deliverables, and indicators, along with an implementation plan and cost estimates.
  • Create an advocacy and marketing monitoring tool linked to the strategy.
  • Identify the role of PAWA254 and other stakeholders in influencing policy implementation at both state and national levels.
  • Provide recommendations on the structure and focus of the PAWA254 Advocacy and Communications department.
  • Share the draft advocacy strategy with PAWA254 staff and present it at the internal validation workshop.

Duration of Consultancy: 45 working days from the commencement date.

Key Deliverables

The consultant will be expected to deliver the following:

  1. Inception report detailing activities, methodology, and timelines.
  2. Initial draft of the advocacy, communications, and marketing strategy for feedback and comments.
  3. A PowerPoint presentation of the strategy for the validation workshop.
  4. Second draft of the advocacy and communication strategy, considering feedback received.
  5. Finalized clean copy of the advocacy, communications, and marketing strategy in English, including an implementation plan with timelines.

Required Qualifications and Skills

  • University degree in Communications sciences, Mass Communication, social sciences, or equivalent.
  • Minimum of five years’ experience in communication, marketing, project development, or research, preferably related to governance and human rights.
  • Expertise in digital platforms and social media management.
  • In-depth knowledge of governance, human rights, youth, and activism issues.
  • Exceptional research, analytical, presentation, and drafting skills.
  • Proficiency in data analysis.
  • Proven experience in advocacy, policy, social campaigns, and strategic management.
  • Strong command of oral and written English and Swahili.
  • Demonstrable history of similar work assignments.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender and marginalized group issues.

Expression of Interest Requirements

Interested consultants should submit the following to and copy by November 2, 2023:

  1. A proposal interpreting the terms of reference and elaborating on the approach to completing the assignment, including a budget/quotation.
  2. A sample of similar works conducted.
  3. CV of the consultant who will undertake the assignment.

Application Deadline: November 2, 2023

Expert Tips To Be A Successful Applicant

  1. Customize Your Application: Tailor your application to showcase how your qualifications and experience align with the role’s requirements. Highlight your expertise in advocacy, communications, and marketing, emphasizing your experience in governance and human rights.
  2. Demonstrate Digital Proficiency: Showcase your proficiency in digital platforms and social media handling by providing concrete examples of past projects or campaigns where you successfully leveraged these skills.
  3. Thorough Research: Prior to applying, thoroughly research PAWA254 and its mission. Use this knowledge to underscore your passion for the organization’s goals and values in your cover letter.
  4. Highlight Your Analytical Skills: Provide specific examples of situations where you applied your analytical skills to drive successful outcomes in advocacy, policy, or social campaigns.
  5. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity: Emphasize your cultural awareness and sensitivity to gender and marginalized group issues. Showcase instances where you have effectively worked in diverse settings.
  6. Budget Consideration: When submitting your proposal, ensure that your budget/quotation is well-structured and reasonable, demonstrating your financial acumen.
  7. Effective Communication: Throughout the application process, exhibit excellent written and oral communication skills, both in English and Swahili, as per the requirements.
  8. CV Relevance: Tailor your CV to emphasize your qualifications, experiences, and achievements relevant to the role. Be concise and clear.
  9. Follow Application Instructions: Adhere to the application instructions provided, including language preferences, and make sure to meet the application deadline.
  10. Passion for Social Change: Finally, express your genuine passion for driving social change through art and activism, aligning your values with those of PAWA254.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the deadline for submitting applications? A1: The application deadline is November 2, 2023.

Q2: Can international candidates apply for this position? A2: Yes, international candidates meeting the specified qualifications are encouraged to apply.

Q3: Are remote consultants eligible for this role? A3: Yes, remote consultants are eligible for the position. However, they should be available for necessary meetings and collaboration with the PAWA254 team.

Q4: What is the expected starting date of the consultancy? A4: The consultancy’s start date will be determined upon selection and agreement with the chosen consultant.

Q5: Is fluency in both English and Swahili mandatory for this position? A5: Yes, proficiency in both English and Swahili is a mandatory requirement due to the organization’s linguistic diversity.

Q6: How will the selection process be carried out? A6: The selection process will involve a thorough review of submitted proposals and CVs, followed by interviews or further assessments for shortlisted candidates.

To apply for this job email your details to

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