Government and Public Service



Inspectors (Buildings)

Job Group ‘H’


(10 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

         (a)         Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Interpretation of Architectural and Engineering drawings:
  2. Checking minor repairs and alteration of existing buildings.

(b)         Requirements for appointment-MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. Diploma in any of the following fields: Building and Civil Engineering: Construction Technician Part III: or its equivalent and relevant qualification from a recognized institution.
  2. A minimum experience of three (3) years in this field.

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Physical Planning Assistant III

Job Group ‘H’


(5 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and responsibilities

  1. Carrying out drawing task
  2. Collecting and analysing geographical data for preparing plans

iii.           Digitizing physical development plans

  1. Drawing physical development plans of small centers from sketches
  2. Updating plans
  3. Conducting site inspection

(b)         Requirement for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade an officer must have: –

  1. Diploma in any of the following areas Urban and Regional planning. urban
  2. Planning, Building, Civil Engineering, Catagraphy, Geo-informatics Geographic information systems (GIS) from a recognized Institution

iii.           A minimum experience of three 3 years in this field.

  1. Certificate in computer application skills from a recognized institution.

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Cartography Assistant III

Job Group ‘H’


(5 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Drawing survey and deed plans
  2. Drawing Small area boundary schedules

iii.           Drawing small area preliminary index diagrams

(b)         Requirements for appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. Diploma in Cartography from a recognized institution
  2. A minimum experience of three (3) years in this field.

iii.           Certificate in Computer applications

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Physical Planning Assistant I

Job Group ‘K’


(5 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and responsibilities

  1. Drawing digitizing local county physical development plans
  2. Collecting and analysing geographical data for plan preparation

iii.           Vetting and verifying physical development plans

  1. Inspecting sites
  2. Identifying site characteristics and establishing site suitability or proposed development
  3. Cataloguing and maintaining plan records

vii.         Converting analogue data to digital format using geographical system

(b)         Requirements for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. A minimum experience of six (6) years in this field.
  2. Diploma in any of the following areas Urban and Regional planning, urban planning, Building, Civil Engineering, Cartography, Geo-informatics Geographic information systems (GIS) from a recognized Institution

iii.           Associate membership of Kenya Institute of planners or Architectural Association of Kenya (Town planning chapter)

  1. Have certificate in computer from a recognized institution

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Land Surveyor II

Job Group ‘K’


(5 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Carrying out singular and distance measurements.
  2. Computation for medium- and high density topographical. general engineering. sub-divisional schemes, medium area cadastral.

iii.           Photo control surveys.

(b)         Requirements for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Surveying and photogrammetry, Geomatics, Geomatic Engineering, Technology in Geomatics, Technology in Geo- informatics, Geo-spatial Engineering, Philosophy in Technology (Survey) from a recognized institution
  2. A minimum experience of three (3) years in this field.

iii.           Certificate in Computer applications

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Job Group ‘K’


(2 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Collecting Data for the National Land Value Index
  2. Collecting and analyzing market data for valuation purposes

iii.           Apportioning rents following sub-divisions, change of users, and louse extensions

  1. Undertaking Stamp Duty valuations
  2. Inspecting land and properties for rating, purchase, sale, and leasing purposes
  3. Making searches on titles in land registries for various valuation purposes

vii.         Calculating areas from building plans and maps

viii.        Measuring buildings in the field for valuation

  1. Preparing plans and lists of plot owners and areas affected by and acquisition projects
  2. Filing stamp Duty valuation reports.

(b)         Requirements for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. Bachelors degree in any following disciplines: Land Economics. Real Estate, and Property Studies or its equivalent qualification from a recognized institution
  2. A minimum experience of three (3) years in this field.

iii.           Certificate in Computer application skills from a recognized institution.

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Valuation Assistant III

Job Group ‘H’


(2 Open Positions)

Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)         Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Collecting data for valuation purposes
  2. Filing and retrieving valuation reports, valuation roils, maps and other valuation records and data

iii.           Maintaining sales maps and cards

  1. Compiling maps and records for rating (valuation rolls) and for land acquisition purposes
  2. Making Searches on titles in land registries for various purposes.

(b)         Requirements for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1. Diploma in Real Estate Agency and Property Management or its equivalent certification from a recognized institution.
  2. A minimum experience of three (3) years in this field.

iii.           Certificate in Computer application skills from a recognized institution.

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Principal Superintendent (Buildings)

Job Group ‘N’


Machakos, Kenya

 Terms of Service: Three (3) Year Contract

(a)          Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Planning of supervision programmes for buildings in the annual works programme:
  2. Preparation of monthly progress reports on each project;

iii.           Periodic site inspection visits to ascertain adherence to building specifications/standards and monitoring of work progress.

  1. The officer will also coordinate supervision of repairs and alterations in depots.

(b)         Requirements for Appointment – MACHAKOS

For appointment to this grade, an officer must have: –

  1.    A minimum experience of nine (9) years in this field.
  2. Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering or Construction Technician Certificate Part III or its equivalent and relevant qualification from a recognized institution:

iii.            Administrative ability, wide knowledge and experience in preparation of drawings and management of drawings office

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): MACHAKOS

1. What is the application process for these positions?

Answer: The application process involves submitting your resume, cover letter, and any additional required documents through our online portal. Make sure to carefully review the job requirements and tailor your application accordingly.

2. Are these positions open to international applicants?

Answer: These positions are open to both local and international applicants who meet the specified qualifications. We encourage diversity in our workforce.

3. What benefits and perks are offered to employees in Machakos?

Answer: Our comprehensive benefits package includes health insurance, retirement plans, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment. Specific details will be provided during the interview process.

4. How can I track the status of my application?

Answer: You can log in to your applicant portal on our website to track the status of your application. Additionally, our HR team will provide timely updates via email.

5. Is relocation assistance available for successful candidates?

Answer: We may provide relocation assistance for candidates relocating from outside the local area. Details will be discussed during the negotiation phase.

6. Can I apply for multiple positions simultaneously?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for multiple positions if you meet the qualifications for each role. Ensure that your cover letter and resume are tailored to the specific requirements of each position.

7. How do you ensure a fair and unbiased hiring process?

Answer: We adhere to a strict policy of equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination. Our hiring process is designed to be fair, transparent, and free from bias.

8. What is the typical career progression for employees in these roles?

Answer: Career progression varies based on individual performance and organizational needs. We provide opportunities for professional development and advancement within the company.

9. Can I submit a hard copy of my application?

Answer: We only accept online applications through our designated portal. This ensures a streamlined and efficient application process.

10. How soon can I expect to hear back after submitting my application?

Answer: Our HR team reviews applications promptly. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further assessments or interviews within a few weeks of the application deadline.

Possible Interview Questions With Answers for Various Positions in Land Development and Housing – MACHAKOS

1. Question: Can you share an example of a challenging situation you faced in a previous land development project and how you resolved it?

Answer: In my role as a Physical Planning Assistant, I encountered a situation where conflicting zoning regulations posed a challenge. I facilitated discussions between stakeholders, collaborated with legal experts, and proposed a revised zoning plan that satisfied all parties.

2. Question: How do you stay updated on the latest advancements in land surveying technology?

Answer: I actively participate in industry conferences, subscribe to relevant publications, and engage in continuous professional development. Recently, I completed a certification course on the latest surveying technologies.

3. Question: Describe a successful collaboration experience with other departments to achieve a common goal in a previous role.

Answer: As a Valuer, I collaborated with the Planning Department to assess the economic impact of proposed land developments. This collaboration ensured a holistic approach to valuation, considering both current and future land use.

4. Question: How do you approach quality control in land survey operations to ensure accuracy and precision?

Answer: I implement a rigorous quality control process that includes regular equipment calibration, data validation checks, and peer reviews. This approach has consistently maintained the accuracy of survey data in my previous roles.

5. Question: What strategies do you employ to keep a team motivated during a long-term land development project?

Answer: I foster a positive work environment by recognizing achievements, encouraging open communication, and providing professional development opportunities. In my experience, motivated teams contribute significantly to project success.

6. Question: How do you approach community engagement in the planning process to ensure inclusivity and address community concerns?

Answer: In my role as a Physical Planning Assistant, I conducted town hall meetings and collaborated with community leaders to gather input. This approach not only ensured inclusivity but also addressed community concerns, fostering a positive relationship.

7. Question: Can you share an example of a successful implementation of a new technology or methodology in land surveying that improved project efficiency?

Answer: As a Land Surveyor, I introduced GPS-based surveying techniques that significantly reduced project timelines and enhanced the accuracy of survey data. This innovation resulted in a more efficient and cost-effective survey process.

8. Question: How do you balance regulatory compliance with project timelines in land development?

Answer: I prioritize proactive engagement with regulatory bodies to ensure alignment with project goals. By understanding regulations early in the planning phase, we can incorporate compliance measures without compromising project timelines.

9. Question: Describe your experience in leading a team through a complex land valuation project.

Answer: As a Valuer, I led a team through a comprehensive land valuation for a large-scale development. Effective communication, task delegation, and regular check-ins ensured that each team member contributed to the project’s success.

10. Question: How do you handle disputes or conflicts within a team, and how has it impacted project outcomes in your previous roles?

Answer: Conflict resolution is a crucial skill. I address disputes promptly by facilitating open communication, identifying common ground, and encouraging collaboration. Resolving conflicts positively contributes to a healthier team dynamic and, ultimately, project success.


Sample Cover Letter 1:MACHAKOS

Subject: Application for the Position of Senior Project Manager

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Senior Project Manager position at your esteemed organization, as advertised. With a proven track record of successfully leading cross-functional teams, managing complex projects, and delivering results within strict deadlines, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the continued success of your projects.

My strategic mindset, combined with excellent communication and problem-solving skills, has enabled me to streamline project workflows and achieve cost savings. In my previous role at XYZ Corporation, I successfully led a team in implementing a project management system, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your organization and contribute to the successful delivery of high-impact projects. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills align with your organization’s needs.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample Cover Letter 2:MACHAKOS

Subject: Application for the Marketing Specialist Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Specialist position at your company, as advertised. With a strong background in developing and executing comprehensive marketing strategies, I am confident in my ability to drive brand awareness and increase market share for your products.

In my previous role at ABC Marketing, I successfully implemented a targeted social media campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in online engagement. My analytical skills and data-driven approach have allowed me to identify market trends and optimize marketing efforts for maximum impact.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the innovative marketing initiatives at your company and help elevate the brand. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills align with your organization’s goals.

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Sample Cover Letter 3:MACHAKOS

Subject: Application for the Software Engineer Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Software Engineer position at your company, as advertised. With a solid foundation in software development and a passion for creating efficient and scalable solutions, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the success of your development team.

In my previous role at DEF Tech, I played a key role in the development of a cutting-edge software application that significantly improved user experience. My proficiency in multiple programming languages and my ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams have been instrumental in delivering high-quality software solutions.

I am eager to bring my technical expertise and commitment to excellence to your organization. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills align with your team’s objectives.


[Your Name]

Sample Cover Letter 4:MACHAKOS

Subject: Application for the Human Resources Manager Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Human Resources Manager position at your company, as advertised. With a comprehensive background in human resources, talent acquisition, and employee relations, I am confident in my ability to contribute to a positive and inclusive work culture.

In my previous role at EFG Company, I successfully implemented employee engagement programs that resulted in a 15% increase in overall job satisfaction. My expertise in talent acquisition and retention strategies, combined with strong interpersonal skills, has allowed me to foster a collaborative and productive workplace.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to lead your human resources initiatives and contribute to the success of your organization. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills align with your company’s values.

Best Regards, [Your Name]

Sample Cover Letter 5:MACHAKOS

Subject: Application for the Financial Analyst Position

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Financial Analyst position at your company, as advertised. With a solid background in financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the financial success of your organization.

In my previous role at GHI Finance, I played a key role in conducting in-depth financial analysis, providing actionable insights that contributed to a 10% increase in profitability. My attention to detail, analytical skills, and proficiency in financial modeling have been crucial in making informed business decisions.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my financial expertise to your organization and contribute to strategic decision-making. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my skills align with your company’s financial goals.


[Your Name]


We wish you the best in your application process. Our commitment to diversity includes ensuring equal opportunities for all applicants. We do not charge any application/recruitment fees. For more information, visit our website.MACHAKOS

To apply for this job please visit

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